Sunday, October 4, 2015

10/4/2015 (Last Post)

Over the past couple of months I have written a blog everyday about different things. Mostly they were about my life and current things going on in my life. I think writing a blog everyday actually helped me not only with writing but helped express my feelings. In the beginning I wasn’t real sure on how well writing blogs would work for me, but after the experience I found to really like writing them. The two biggest problems I had were finding time to write the blog and what to write about. But as soon as I found/thought of something to write about I couldn’t stop writing, especially when I was doing creative writing and got to use my imagination in my writing. I also think I learned a lot about myself as well and not only as a writer. I still think I have a lot of improvement that needs to be done in my writing though. I think I’ve gained a little more experience but by the time the semester is over I hope to be more improved then what I was in the beginning of this semester. Writing has always been a challenge for me, but knowing now how to free write and not worry about my writing or the spelling until after I finish writing I think is going to help me a lot. I now have something to look back on and reflect of who I was at the time and what I’ve done to accomplish who I am today. I have many struggles and a lot of things going on in my life but getting through them will help me become a better person. Just like writing, the more you write the better you become, and you have to have your old writings to reflect off of to become a better writer.

Friday, October 2, 2015

10/02/2015 (Food Day)

Everyone complains about how their work isn’t fun or they don’t do anything special, but when something is made no one wants to participate. We had food day at work today, which turned out okay but it could have been done better. Either no one participated or everyone brought a lot of the same thing. We were told about our food day on Monday and was given a list with our names on it for what we had to bring. They had categories for each initial of the last name. Mine being H was main dish so I brought in Taco Salad. I completely understand that some people don’t have the extra money to bring something but even if it was 87 cents I’m sure it would be fine. For starters maybe 10 people signed up bringing something which is very upsetting. People need to quit complain that we don’t do anything fun at work. I also think that if you don’t bring anything you can’t participate. If ten people brought something there’s no way there was enough food for the whole entire building. This is my thought on the whole idea. I think there should be a theme for the food day so people will have ideas of what to bring. I also think that you have email the person in charge with what you are brining and they will write it down. Also what I said earlier I think if you don’t bring anything you can’t participate. It may sound harsh but if you never participate it’s not fair to those who actually spend time and money making food for people who don’t even do anything. I realize people have to option to bring something but I also think you should have the option to eat or not. Meaning you don’t bring something you don’t get nothing.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

10/1/2015 (Mom)

A lot of my post or writings have been about my dad. I love my dad very much and he has always been a great role model to me but I think I should have a single post about my mom. My mom is the most wonderful person I have ever met. I love her dearly even though sometimes I don’t show it. My mom has helped me become the woman I am today and for that I am very grateful. My mom works her butt off to keep my sister and me happy. Not only does she work 50+ hours a week but she also comes home cooks us dinner and makes sure the house is clean. She always makes sure we have everything we need for the next day ready. I love my mom dearly. She is the best mom in the entire world! She is always there for me when I am sad and when I am happy. I know if I need a shoulder to cry on she will be there. She has been through my first school dance and my first break up. She taught me everything I know like shaving, doing my hair and teaching me how to put make up on. She was there for me through all of my surgeries and held my hand when I was waking up from them. She holds me tight when I am sick and does everything she can to make me feel better. I love my mom dearly. We may fight a lot but that’s just part of a mother/daughter relationship. But at the end of the day I know she loves me and I love her. This may be a short list of how wonderful my mom is but there is many more because she is the greatest woman in the world and I want her to know that I love her very much.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

9/30/2015 (The Golden Key)

There once was a girl name Sally, she had a hard time in school. Sally would always get picked on and made fun of from all kids in her class. She never had any friends and always ate alone at lunch. She was what they called unpopular and very awkward. One day one the way home Sally found a key on the ground. This wasn’t a regular it was very special, the key was long and golden. She had no idea what it was but thought she found the most amazing thing ever. So she picked up the key and continued to her house. That night she kept waking up because that key was on her mind, she wanted to know what it went to. Many days passed and she tried all she could to figure out that key she found. Of course she couldn’t tell anyone about it, not because it was so interesting but because she had no one to share it with. A week went by and she woke up in the middle of the night to a strange lady in her room. Terrified she wanted to scream, but the noise wouldn’t come out. The lady began to say “Sally I dropped that key a week ago and have been looking all over for it.” Very confused Sally asked “who are you?” The lady continued “I am the key godmother, I grant wishes if you find my special key.” All of a sudden Sally became very excited; she couldn’t believe she had a godmother to grant her a wish. The key godmother said “Sally I know you have been struggling with gaining friends at school, so I dropped my key in hopes to you finding it.” Sally thought about everything the kids would do to her at school and thought about how sad she was, she always wanted just one friend. The key godmother said “now you don’t get to wish upon this key I grant you what I want you to have.” So the key godmother brought out a box and the key Sally had found fit the lock. Out of excitement not knowing what was inside she put the key in and opened it up. There was a little town in the box, she didn’t understand. The key godmother said “If you blink three times you will enter this town and all your worries will go away.” So that’s exactly what Sally did, she blinked three times and then woke up. Not knowing if it was a dream or not Sally got ready for school dreading the day upon her. When she arrived at school everyone was talking to her and was being nice. She couldn’t believe what had happened, she had friends. As time went on Sally became the most popular girl in the school and loved going knowing she would never be made fun of again.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

9/29/2015 (Sick)

Here’s a post that I couldn’t find anything to write about. It’s been a very long Tuesday, I woke up at 9 am for work. I felt like complete crap and didn’t feel like going but I needed to. I loaded up on medicine and grabbed an orange juice to drink on my way to work. It was another long day at work but of course it made it 10 times worse since I didn’t feel good. I really need the money so I tried my hardest to stick it out for my whole scheduled time. I was feeling a little better but then got back from lunch at 3 and started feeling horrible again. All I wanted was to go home, eat some soup and go to bed. The stuff I have gotten was going around my house and I tried everything to prevent getting sick. But just my luck I did. I can hardly keep my head up and my body aches. Of course I don’t want to do my school work, but just like actually work it has to be done. After so many calls and customers to handle I just want 8 o’clock to get here so I can go home. I ran out of things to write about and didn’t feel like even writing so I’m just going to write things that come to my mind. Like my horrible day and not feeling well and just wanting to go home. I wish the days would just pause when we are sick so I don’t have to miss anything. It really sucks that I tried everything to prevent this from happening and I still got sick. Maybe it’s because I tried to hard or maybe because the germs knew I was trying not to get sick.

Monday, September 28, 2015

9/28/2015 (Thanksgiving)

This time of the year brings many holidays and many family gatherings. I think Thanksgiving is one of my favorite Holidays. I love getting together with my family and eating a bunch of food. Especially with family I don’t get to see as much as the others. But just like every other holiday it is not all about the food it is also being thankful for what you have or who you have. My thanksgiving use to consist of getting to my mom’s parents’ house at 11 and spending all afternoon eating, watching football, visiting and of course napping. Then Thursday night we go to my mom’s cousin’s house for another big dinner. We would end our dinner there with a big bon fire and a bunch of games. Then on the Friday after thanksgiving we would go to my dad’s side of the family and have what we call Thanksmas. Since my dad’s side is so big and everyone lives in a different state we get together once a year for thanksgiving and Christmas. We start with either a big breakfast or a big lunch and then spend the rest of the time visiting. By the end of the night we start handing out Christmas gifts and we sing Christmas carols just like we would if it was actually Christmas. The house is full of craziness but we all always have a blast being together. Now that I’m older and in a relationship my thanksgiving have gone from three to six thanksgivings with five being all in one day. Let me tell you by Saturday not only am I worn out from traveling I’m worn out from eating so much! I am very thankful though that I get to spend time with not only my family but my soon to be family as well.

Friday, September 25, 2015

9/25/2015 (Stuck)

After a long day of work I headed out for Kansas City. The drive seemed to take forever like I was never going to make it. After being in the car for 4 hours and working all day I was pooped! I finally arrived at my hotel at 1 am, exhausted as can be I checked in and started heading to my room. I could just imagine entering the room and just flopping on the bed for some sleep until the next morning. As the elevator doors closed, I was headed to the 4th floor to my room feeling the excitement for some sleep as I got closer. Then all of a sudden a loud alarm went off, and the elevator stopped. Not knowing what to do a little bit of panic came across. Over an intercom I heard don’t worry mam we are just having some difficulty and help would be on its way. Bummed as could be that it was already 1 am and I was stuck in the elevator, I sat down and tried entertaining myself. My weekend was supposed to be a blast, I was meeting up with some friends and we were going to have an all-girls weekend in Kansas City. But the way my weekend had started I just knew everything else was going to go downhill. I sat in that elevator for almost two hours as they tried to get it fixed again. I became very mad and upset that all I wanted to do was go home. Of course since it took so long I did try falling asleep, but have you ever tried sleeping in an elevator? That is the worst thing ever! After waiting I finally got into my room and got into bed. My weekend trip had started really bad but it ended up being a great girl’s weekend!