Monday, September 28, 2015

9/28/2015 (Thanksgiving)

This time of the year brings many holidays and many family gatherings. I think Thanksgiving is one of my favorite Holidays. I love getting together with my family and eating a bunch of food. Especially with family I don’t get to see as much as the others. But just like every other holiday it is not all about the food it is also being thankful for what you have or who you have. My thanksgiving use to consist of getting to my mom’s parents’ house at 11 and spending all afternoon eating, watching football, visiting and of course napping. Then Thursday night we go to my mom’s cousin’s house for another big dinner. We would end our dinner there with a big bon fire and a bunch of games. Then on the Friday after thanksgiving we would go to my dad’s side of the family and have what we call Thanksmas. Since my dad’s side is so big and everyone lives in a different state we get together once a year for thanksgiving and Christmas. We start with either a big breakfast or a big lunch and then spend the rest of the time visiting. By the end of the night we start handing out Christmas gifts and we sing Christmas carols just like we would if it was actually Christmas. The house is full of craziness but we all always have a blast being together. Now that I’m older and in a relationship my thanksgiving have gone from three to six thanksgivings with five being all in one day. Let me tell you by Saturday not only am I worn out from traveling I’m worn out from eating so much! I am very thankful though that I get to spend time with not only my family but my soon to be family as well.

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