Wednesday, September 9, 2015

9/9/2015 (Customer Service)

Things that happen in customer service just crack me up. I’ve worked in two places now that deal with customer service and I think my current job is the worst. Every day when I walk into work I never know what my day is going to be like, if I will have good customers or bad. It’s like a new adventure each day. I work for a bank in the call center so I deal with customer problems, request of what they would like to do with their money or changes on their accounts. Some people are just plan out rude and I don’t understand it. My job is to help you and make things easier for you but if you’re going to call me and start cussing me out for a situation that isn’t my fault or something I have no control of is not just rude but hurtful. Honestly, I have had days I just want to chew someone out for having no respect for other. But I am respectful and I do care about others feelings.  I’ve had some people call me stupid and that I didn’t know what I was talking about even though I was in the right and they were wrong. There’s been many days that I go home crying because of how rude someone was or how stupid they called me. My family and friends tell me all the time don’t let what people say hurt you, just laugh it off. But let me tell you, if you are calling because you are frustrated or pissed at the bank don’t take it out on me. I’ve learned being the middle man of a situation really stinks and that I can’t let one awful call ruin my day. When I first started my job the girl training me told me you are always going to remember your bad calls but try not to duel on them try to remember your good calls. I am writing this blog not only to take my feelings and put them on paper but to make people aware of how we customer service reps have to deal with. We try our hardest to make you happy, so the next time you call somewhere upset because something wasn’t done right please remember they are the middle man and have no control of what has happened but they will do their best to make everything right.

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